Seafood Legacy envisions a world where sustainable growth in Japan’s seafood industry creates hopes for a bright future where everyone working with the sea is wreathed in smiles and positive energy.

In 2030, the target for achieving the SDGs, Japan’s new identity will be recognized worldwide.

2030 GOAL

Making sustainable seafood the mainstream in the Japanese seafood market


We envision a world where the seas around us are teeming with life, creating a world with hopes for a bright future where everyone working with the sea is wreathed in smiles and positive energy. We believe that the first key point is Japan’s buying power as the world’s leading seafood market.

Increased demand for sustainable and responsible seafood from major distributors in Japan will lead to collaboration among international seafood companies headquartered here to pursue environmental sustainability and social responsibility in the domestic and international supply chains. This is Market Transformation, the first business area for Seafood Legacy.

The strong boost to growing the scale of ESG investment and financing in the seafood industry will encourage more corporations to pursue environmental sustainability and social responsibility. These efforts will accelerate reforms to the seafood business model. The foundation for this is Finance Engagement, the second business area for Seafood Legacy.

The trend toward reforms will also enter the mainstream through regulatory reform and policy implementation by governments and international organizations, building a society where decision makers are recognized for meeting their responsibilities to the next generation. This is Policy Reform, the third business area for Seafood Legacy.

One of the key business areas for Seafood Legacy is to weave together multiple initiatives that emerge from seafood businesses, investment and financing, and management, and stitch them into a movement. By making these developments and relationships visible, we create mechanisms that allow more stakeholders to participate. We organize the annual Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit (TSSS) on sustainable and responsible seafood, which has grown into one of the largest events in Asia. We also operate the online Seafood Legacy Times, which introduces the ocean innovators shaping the future of sustainable seafood.

We strongly believe that one day Japan will also be able to celebrate its achievements in the pursuit of environmental sustainability and social responsibility in the seafood industry together with all stakeholders because more than any other country, Japan has always had a close relationship with the ocean.

As a social venture, Seafood Legacy is committed to doing all we can to support diverse stakeholders who are serious about their responsibilities to future generations. We will contribute to a sustainable and healthy ocean by learning from examples in other countries while formulating solutions that are appropriate for Japan.


01.Responsibility to future generations

Our first responsibility is to maintain connections between the environment, the economy and society for future generations. The ocean is a common asset for mankind and a resource we borrow from future generations. We plan our activities with the vision of future generations enjoying the benefits of the ocean. We strive to maintain a high level of integrity—and are committed to fair and ethical judgment and action.

02. Responsibility to our partners

Our second responsibility is to our partner organizations; governments, corporations, and philanthropic organizations that are committed to fulfilling their social responsibility to future generations. By understanding the potential needs of partner organizations, participating in related innovative fields and designing regional solutions based on international standards, we exceed our partners’ expectations.

03.Responsibility to our employees

Our third responsibility is to our colleagues with whom we collaborate to achieve our common goals. We aim for every employee and team to find joy in their work and to support each other and enhance our strengths. Our employees work hard to support their families and our society. We support that by ensuring safe working conditions.
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